You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.9. REPORTS Menu > 1.9.4. Reports - Inventory Reports > Inventory Reports - Valuation Report

Inventory Reports - Valuation Report

The stock Valuation Report displays the Stock on Hand by quantity and cost value, providing an overall value to the stock currently on hand. It shows the quantity and value of items on order, backorder and on hand, for one or all of your warehouses.


Technical Tip

The value on hand of all your warehouses can be quickly balanced to the Current Value in your System Summary as shown here. These figures may differ slightly due to rounding when Micronet calculates the Stock on Hand average value:

         Demonstration Company                  Page: 1

   System Summary Report - General         Tuesday 12 August 1997


Monthly Sales    12291.07  Cost of Sales     5817.52  GP% 52.67

Yearly Sales     12291.07  Cost of Sales     5817.52  GP% 52.67


Debtor's Aged Trial Balances    Stock Movements     Month To Date

Current         11819.76        Stock Received         20459.93

Days 30             0.00        Stock Adjust              70.63

Days 60             0.00        Cost Adjust               13.00

Days 90             0.00        Stocktake Adjust        4349.97

Days 120            0.00        On Consignment             0.00

Prior               0.00

Total Owing     11819.76        Purchase Orders         1434.55


                Stock On Hand Valuation

                File Value           20459.83

                Opening the Value        0.00

                Current Value        14725.94

For more information about the System Summary, refer to "Sales Desk Inquiries - System Summary".

To print the stock Valuation Report:


Micronet displays the Valuation Report screen.

  1. If you have multiple warehouses (or stores), select REPORT TYPE and then select one of the following options:

Micronet places a tick beside the selected option. If your company does not have multiple warehouses, it doesn't matter which option is selected.

  1. Select ORDER and then select one of the following options to choose the order in which you want the report sorted:

Micronet places a tick beside the selected option.

  1. Select FILE | RUN REPORT.

Micronet displays the Select Report screen with a list of report layout options created in the Report Generator.

Report layout options include:

  1. Select a format for the report then select Ok.

Micronet displays the User Defined Questions screen, which differs depending on the sort order and report layout you selected. This screen shows the User Defined Questions screen for the total location/item ID sort order and Inventory Valuation - by Warehouse report layout.

  1. Enter or select the starting and ending values for the report (e.g. item IDs, warehouse numbers or product categories).
  1. Select the Ok button.

Micronet displays the Select Output Device screen.

  1. Select whether you want the report displayed on screen, printed, saved to a specific type of file, faxed, or emailed in a specific format.



For more details on these options, refer to "Selecting the Output for Inquiries and Reports".

Micronet prints or displays the stock Valuation Report in the selected sort order and report format.

Valuation Report - by Warehouse